PCMC Achieves 97% in DOH – MMCHD – HFDEU Validation and Assessment
The Philippine Children's Medical Center (PCMC) achieved a Very Satisfactory rating from the Department of Health—Metro Manila Center for Health Development (DOH—MMCHD) Health Facility Development and Enhancement Unit (HFDEU) during a validation and assessment conducted on March 6, 2025.
PCMC Officer-in-Charge Executive Director Maria Eva I. Jopson commended the collaborative efforts of various units in achieving the impressive 97% rating, which reflects the medical center’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards in Continuing Quality Improvement (CQI).
During the opening ceremony of the validation and assessment day, OIC, Executive Director Jopson emphasized the importance of this activity in enhancing service delivery and ensuring compliance with standards appropriate for an institution that serves pediatric patients, high-risk pregnant women, and their families.
The programs validated and assessed on that day included the Integrated Hospital Operation and Management Program (IHOMP), Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), Patient Safety Program, Integrated People-Centered Health Services, and the Healthcare Waste Management Program (HCWM).
The purpose of the assessment is to identify gaps and challenges encountered in implementing these programs in accordance to the Health Facility Development Bureau (HFDB) Manual of Standards to improve institutional efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services through the creation and use of information for clinical, administrative, and monitoring purposes in hospitals and other health facilities. This assessment is mandated by DOH Administrative Order No. 2022-0021, issued on June 30, 2022.
Additionally, this will serve as basis for policy development, planning, and identifying the necessary technical assistance the hospital needs, including resource allocation, funding support, and the conduct of learning and development interventions.#