Philippine Standard Time:

Strategic Management

Office For Strategy Management (OSM)​

The Office for Strategy Management (OSM), which previously reports directly to the Office of the Executive Director, was created last October 30, 2017(MCO No. 635s. 2027) for the implementation of all activities related to PCMC’s Performance Governance System. The OSM was reconstituted last February 3, 2020 (Medical Center Order No. 58, s. 2020) and placed under the Corporate Planning Division, which is supervised by the Management Services Department (MSD). The MSD reports directly to the Office of the Executive Director. As per March 15, 2022, a memorandum was released announcing the latest Composition of the OSM; PCMC Core and Support Team; and Multi-Sector Governance Committee for PCMC Performance Governance System(MCO No. 090s. 2022,).

The office is composed of the Head, who is responsible for planning and operationalizing the performance of the office. The OSM Assistant Head and Secretariat are the support system of the Head of the Office in carrying out effectively the administrative functions of the OSM. The office is in charge of the implementation of the PCMC transformation roadmap guided by its Strategy Map and Scorecards. All Performance Governance System (PGS) matters are being coordinated, accordingly, to all hospital units through the different OSM Coordinators.

PCMC Core & Support Team

The PCMC PGS Core Team composition was based on the pediatric diseases / conditions that were prioritized for PCMC to position itself as the National Reference Center for Advanced Pediatric Specialty Care. In addition, Division Heads of centers with new upcoming infrastructure facilities, and those with active involvement in training and research were likewise included in the core team.

The Support Team on the other hand are members managing human resource, quality and safety, information technology, infrastructure development, patient assistance, and finance, vital to the realization of the position being aimed by PCMC, as specified in the PCMC roadmap.

Multi-sector Governance Council (MSGC)

The MSGC acts as the Advisory Board of PCMC in the implementation of the Performance Governance System. The mandate of the council is to promote the continuity and sustainability of the PCMC transformation roadmap and to encourage shared responsibility in its success. The MSGC serves as the external link to stakeholders with special interest in the healthcare delivery system particularly in the field of research, training, and delivery of health services to children.  The council has a designated Chairperson and respective members (MCM No. 37s. 2021).