Philippine Standard Time:


About the Pathology Division

The PCMC Pathology Division is a tertiary-level laboratory that performs diagnostic tests, ensures the accuracy and precision of laboratory examinations for accurate diagnosis, and provides quality blood banking services for Filipino Children.
Pathology Services

Clinical Chemistry

The Clinical Chemistry Section offers a wide range of laboratory examinations to analyze and detect various compounds in blood, urine, and other body fluid samples.

These tests are performed in highly-accurate automated, state-of-the-art analyzers; utilizing colorimetric, potentiometric (direct ISEs), immuno-rate, turbidimetric, and chemiluminescent principles.

The section is manned by well-trained and highly-competent medical laboratory staff and under the direct supervision of the Section Head.

The section also participates in National External Quality Assurance programs (EQAS) to ensure proficiency and quality of service, with consistently excellent performance.

Services Offered

Blood Chemistry

Arterial Blood Gas
Venous Blood Gas
Sodium (Na)
Potassium (K)
Chloride (Cl)
Calcium (Ca)
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
Uric Acid (BUA)
Aspartate Aminotransferase (SGOT/AST)
Alanine Aminotransferase (SGPT/ALT)
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
Total Protein
A/G ratio
Creatinine Kinase-total (CK-Total)
Creatinine Kinase-MB (CKMB)
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
Random Blood Sugar (RBS)
Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
2 hour Post Prandial Blood Sugar (PBSS)

CSF Chemistry

Protein and Sugar
Protein only
Sugar only

Drug Assays


Pleural/ Peritoneal/ Pericardial Fluid Chemistry

Total Protein

Urine Chemistry

Random Urine Sodium
Creatinine Clearance
24 hours Creatinine
24 hours Sodium
24 hours Potassium
24 hours Calcium
24 hours Uric acid
24 hours Glucose
24 hours Magnesium
24 hours Phosphorus
24 hours Protein


The Microbiology Section of the Pathology Division is responsible for screening and identification of pathogenic microorganisms, and their drug susceptibility.

The section also participates in National External Quality Assurance programs (EQAS) to ensure proficiency and quality of service, with consistently excellent performance.

The section is manned by well-trained and highly-competent medical laboratory staff and under the direct supervision of the Section Head.

Services Offered

AFB smear and Gene Xpert test for TB
Gram stain
India ink
KOH mount
CSF Latex Agglutination test
Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture with antimicrobial susceptibility testing

Clinical Microscopy

The Clinical Microscopy section is responsible for routine and special tests on the patient’s urine, stool, and other body fluids. These samples are chemically analyzed and examined at the microscopic level, with streamlined automated and manual testing platforms, delivering fast and accurate results.

The section maintains excellent performance in local and international Quality Assurance Programs and is manned by well-trained and highly-competent medical laboratory staff, under the direct supervision of the Section Head.

Services Offered

Pregnancy Test
Urine Hemoglobin
Urine Ketone
Urine Metabolic Screening
Urine pH
Urine Protein (Qualitative)
Urine Reducing Sugar
Urine Glucose (Qualitative)
Urine Specific Gravity
Stool Exam
Parasite Concentration Technique
Stool pH
Stool Reducing Sugars
Occult Blood Test
Scotch Tape Method

Pediatric Blood Center

The PCMC Pediatric Blood Center (PedBC) is a unit under the Pathology Division that ensures the provision of adequate and safe blood to patients in the hospital and partner communities. Its programs are aligned with Republic Act 7719 (National Blood Services Act of 1994) and hence actively promotes voluntary blood donation. The PCMC PedBC has a dedicated blood collection team which is composed of physicians, and well-trained and licensed medical laboratory technologists.

Inaugurated in 2000, the PedBC has expanded its services to providing lifesaving therapy, as well as training and technical support needed by partner institutions.

The PedBC supports the PCMC Division of Pathology Internship Program for medical technologists as regulated by the Commission for Higher Education (CHED). Training and technical support are extended to blood service facilities seeking professional development. PedBC, likewise, is an active partner of the Philippine Blood Coordinating Council in providing resource speakers on blood banking and transfusion medicine all over the country.

Services Offered

Leukofiltered blood components
Pre-transfusion Testing with Screening for Unexpected Red Cell Antibodies
Therapeutic Plasma Exchange
Aliquoting of blood products
Training of Blood Bank Staff from other hospitals
Investigational procedures such as:
Antibody Identificatio
Red Cell Phenotyping
Resolving ABO Discrepancies

Histopathology / Anatomic Pathology

Histopathology Section deals with the study of tissues and cells through gross and microscopic examination. The section offers surgical pathology, including tissue processing from fixation to section cutting, automated H&E staining, and basic immunohistochemistry staining. Complete or partial autopsies are also conducted by our highly skilled Pathologists and Residents in training to determine the cause and manner of death.

Frozen section is also available which allows our pathologists to rapidly analyze and diagnose tissue samples while patient is in surgery that will help surgeons with their intraoperative management. Histopathology section also offers routine cytopathology for both gynecological specimens and body fluids.

The section has 10 active Pathologists servicing the histopathology diagnostic needs of the center with a number of pathologist specializing in Neuropathology, Hematopathology, Hepatopathology and Pediatric pathology.

Services Offered


CD45 (LCA)
Myeloperoxidase (MPO)

Special Stain

Giemsa stain

Surgical Pathology

Routine surgical pathology
Frozen section
Rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE)
Post-mortem examination / autopsy
Slide review


Gynecological cytology
Chromogranin A
CK (Cytokeratin)
Cyclin D1

Flow Cytometry

The Molecular/Flow Cytometry Section of PCMC started operation last 2016 and offered Basic Leukemia Panel and Minimal Residual Disease.

As the section progressed, so to has the services offered expanded. Now, the FlowCytometry Section of PCMC offers:
Basic Leukemia Panel
Comprehensive Leukemia Panel
Lymphoma Panel
Minimal Residual Disease (B-LL, AML, T-LL)
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
Genotyping (Alpha and Beta) for Thalassemia

Immunology & Serology

Immunology and Serology Section has always provided the Filipino children with quality and efficient services since PCMC was founded.

With our well-trained personnel, gold standard equipments and machineries, and outstanding results in quality assessment schemes, we ensure that our clients are provided with accurate and timely results.

The section is manned by well-trained and highly-competent medical laboratory staff and under the direct supervision of the Section Head.

Services Offered

Thyroid Function Tests (FT3, FT4, TSH)
Hepatitis B Profile
Serum Ferritin
TORC Panel (Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus)
Tumor Markers (AFP & Beta-HCG)
Total Vitamin D
Procalcitonin determination
Hormone Testing (Cortisol, PTH)
Anti-nuclear Antibody (ANA)
Dengue Determination Tests
Infectious Panel (HIV, HCV, Syphilis)
Salmonella typhi Detection

Drug Testing & POCT

The Screening Drug Testing Laboratory (SDTL) of the Philippine Children’s Medical Center is an accredited Drug Testing Laboratory pursuant to Republic Act No. 9165 otherwise known as the “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002”. It also takes part in the Annual Proficiency Testing Program for Screening Drug Testing Laboratories as mandated by the Department of Health (DOH) and in accordance with the Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau (HFSRB).

The Philippine Children’s Medical Center’s SDTL performs a rapid one-step screening test for the simultaneous, qualitative detection of multiple drugs and metabolites in human urine, such as Methamphetamine (METH) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). We offer rapid detection of METH/THC for ambulatory patients, critically ill patients, pre-employment, and the Random Drug Testing of PCMC employees in order to ensure a drug-free workplace and ensure the provision of quality service to the patients.

Point-of-care testing (POCT) is diagnostic testing at or near the site of patient care rather than in the clinical laboratory. An advanced portable blood analyzer is used to perform analytical testing for blood bases, electrolytes, and hematology. It utilizes a small volume of specimen and delivers results in a significantly short amount of time to speed up the decision-making process for patient treatment.

Services Offered

Blood Gas Analysis
Ionized Calcium


The Hematology section performs tests that aid in the diagnosis of a wide range of blood disorders. The section includes checking the blood sample for integrity, which must be submitted in the appropriate anticoagulant and tube free of clots and hemolysis, in sufficient volume following anticoagulant-to-blood ratios, examined, and processed within the specified time frame to allow correct analysis.

All tests are performed on automated, advanced blood cell analyzers and microscopic examination of the actual number and morphology of blood cells and other inclusions. Furthermore, a machine with advanced technology is used to conduct coagulation tests to aid anticoagulant disorders.

Daily quality control is performed to ensure accurate and precise patient results.

Equipped with laboratory information system (LIS) to further improve patient care and reduce human error in sample processing and releasing of results.

Participate in National External Quality Assurance System (NEQAS) to assess the integrity and evaluate the performance of the entire testing.

Services Offered

Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Peripheral Blood Smear (PBS)
Reticulocyte Count
Erythtocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT)
Coagulation Tests
Prothrombin Time (PT)
Activated Partial Thromboplastin time (APTT)
Factor VIII
Factor IX
Mixing Studies
Clotting Time
Clot Retraction Time


The Phlebotomy section is one of the most vital sections of the laboratory. Manned by a medical technologist who is highly trained and experienced. The medical technologist is responsible for executing standard procedures such as venipuncture, finger sticks, heel pricks, specimen handling competency in pediatric phlebotomy, and updating patient information.

Phlebotomists Responsibilities

Pre and post-patient care
Identifying patients and personal information by reviewing their identity documents.
Selecting gauge needles and preparing veins or fingers for blood drawing.
Analyzing blood specimens using correct testing equipment, when necessary.
Preparing specimens for transportation, including labeling tubes accurately and matching blood specimens to patients.
Cleaning, maintaining, and calibrating laboratory equipment used in the drawing and testing of blood specimens.

Rates and Fees