Philippine Standard Time:
Patient Safety Pledge
Patients deserve to be approached holistically. I believe patient safety is all encompassing; from the time the child comes under my care at PCMC, No harm shall come to him/her.

To the Filipino Child I pledge:

To do my best to protect and safeguard his/her health and safety;

To treat him/her compassionately;

To ensure he/she will be diagnosed accurately and managed properly, including freedom from unnecessary medical/surgical procedures and interventions;

To serve him/her clean and nutritious food;

To protect him/her from:
Physical harm in the form of fall, neglect,fire,electrical, and other hazards
Healthcare associated infections;and
Attitudinal problems of hospital employees that may jeopardize his/her safety.
To keep him/her safe from:
Physical, sexual and emotional violence; and
Medication errors,special procedure mishaps, and blood transfusion hazards.
To this effect, I shall practice a culture of safety and involve the patient and his/her family to ensure the welfare of the patient even up to and including home health care.

So help me God.