Philippine Standard Time:
Child Psychiatry

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Section

The Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Section is now on its 31st year, having produced 14 graduates since its establishment in 1990. Among the trainors/mentors/supervisors is Dr. Cornelio Banaag, Jr., the recognized Father of Philippine Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The founders of the program include Dr. Lillian Lee and Dr. Adoracion L. Tanega.

The fellowship consists of a 2 year-training program with focus on gaining knowledge & skills in the treatment and management of children & adolescents manifesting with difficult behaviours, consistent with any psychiatric disorders listed in DSM 5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders).

The fellowship program is based in a national center for children and therefore can offer big opportunity to work with general pediatrics and the other different pediatric specialties and subspecialties. The first year of training focuses on normality, assessment, psychopathology and treatment and research protocol formation. The second year involves rotation in child neurology, neurodevelopmental pediatrics, neuropsychology and clinical research.

The Child & Adolescent Psychiatry program is uniquely set in the only center where whole populations of children are gathered. It is an integral part of the Child Neuroscience Division where there is an active interaction between consultants and fellows and equally active exchange of knowledge among disciplines. The trainee has the distinct experience of collaboration, as a child & adolescent psychiatrist with non-psychiatrists. The program also provides integrated mental health care for referred patients, case & systems based consultations for schools and other child-caring government & non-government agencies, multidisciplinary meetings for team care of patients, close coordination with pediatric subspecialties and allied medical professionals and trauma-informed care. It provides service to a very wide range of population with a very distinct advantage of serving the underserved.

Finishing the program, the trained child & adolescent psychiatrist learns to work with a multidisciplinary team from the largest children’s hospital in the country. The other trainors/mentors/supervisors are:
Dr. Paul Lee Specialist in Psychopharmacology
Dr. Portia Valles-LuspoSpecialist Work with Child Abuse
Dr. Geraldine LoboTrained in Consultation-liaison and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Dr. Anna Lizza ManalacAdult Neuropsychiatrist and Trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Dr. Joy P. Malinit Trained in Play Therapy and Infant Mental Health
Dr. Moses C. De Guzman III, MD, FPPS, DPSAMSOIC, Department Manager of the
Education and Training Department