The strategy map is the visual summary of PCMC’s collective plan on how to achieve its goal of becoming the premier institution in pediatric research, training and service. The map describes the strategy and was communicated among its employees. It provided a clear direction in the achievement of PCMCs ultimate goal in improving health outcomes for children by focusing on its mandate. In this map, the different areas in the hospital with significant roles were identified to provide the strong foundation support in achieving the different strategic programs. The interconnectivity of the different areas of the hospital provided easy access to the efficient delivery of its targets. The collective strength of the people comprising the institution, guided by its core values will define PCMC’s culture and success towards achieving its ultimate goal.
The OSM Bulletin Board was placed in a strategic location in the PCMC lobby. It was regularly updated, and is intended to be a visual reminder for the PCMC community for OSM announcements, updates, and activities. The visual trackers of the different Units/Centers’ strategic contributions and expected deliverables are posted in this board.
Through this medium OSM was able to convey the importance of the unified cooperation of the PCMC staff in achieving its targets and ensuring continued improved governance for PCMC.
The 1st MSGC Meeting was organized by the PCMC Executive Director and the Office for Strategy Management. It was attended by the following MSGC Members, namely, Secretary Francisco T. Duque III, Mr. Orlando Clavinez and Mr. Lou Del Rosario. During the meeting, briefing on PCMC Strategy and the expectation settings for PCMC and MSGC members were presented, with the signing of commitment was initiated by Dr. Francisco T. Duque III.
The 2nd MSGC Meeting was held at the PCMC Conference room. It was attended by the MSGC members, namely, Mr. Orlando Clavinez, Mr. Lou Del Rosario, Ms. Maria Fatima Lorenzo and Mr. Luis S. Beltran. During the meeting the PCMC Compliance handouts and Audio-Visual Presentation, which will be used for the scheduled Compliance Revalida, were presented for comments. The newly invited members of MSGC also had their signing of commitment.
The Philippine Children’s Medical Center (PCMC) was conferred with the GOLD GOVERNANCE TRAILBLAZER AWARD by the Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA) during its Compliance Revalida, held at the UNILAB Compound, Bayanihan Center, Pasig City. The Executive Director, Dr. Julius A. Lecciones has convincingly shown PCMC’s embrace of the principles of good governance resulting in the agency’s reaping substantive early gains.
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