Philippine Standard Time:

General Pediatrics

About General Pediatrics

The Clinical Center for General Pediatric Services (CCGPS) has emerged as a discipline equipped with skilled and competent paediatricians adapting to the new paradigm in health care management by preventive and promotive approach, early intervention and treatment. The center is responsible for patient care, advocacy, training and research in the in-patient, out-patient and community setting. It addresses the needs of children with acute and chronic medical, surgical and psychological concerns. It also provides multi-disciplinary approach with collaborative involvement through networking with other government and nongovernment agencies involved in the management of the Filipino child.
PCMC General Pediatrics Staff
CCGPS is composed of the Out-Patient and the InPatient Department. The Out-Patient Department (OPD) attends to general paediatrics and subspecialty services with an average of 42,000 visits annually. The OPD Services include well and sick children with acute medical and surgical problems and continuity clinic for follow up of cases seen at The OPD has 5 ambulatory paediatricians and 28 generalists and subspecialties who supervise residents during the out-patient clinics and continuity clinic.

PCMC Community Outreach program adopts community, school and institution with street children where level I, II and III pediatric residents visit during their monthly rotation. Rotating community pediatric residents conduct health education program and literacy intervention to patients and families in the community clinic via home visitation and Reach Out and Read programs respectively.
